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Texas Style Recommendations

Desert Door Distillery

Located in the heart of hill country, our Tasting Room is a great place to spend some time unwinding while you sample our almost infinite variety of cocktails.

Our beautiful spirit is reconciled with water to get to its correct proof. Some at 80 proof goes straight into our bottles, while even less at 120 proof is set aside for barrel aging to satisfy those with a taste for aged spirits. Our rack house in Driftwood is home to many new American oak barrels with a medium char.

In Far West Texas, wild Dasylirion texanum (Texas sotol) plants grow wild and weed-like by the millions. When they reach maturity around 10-15 years, our team selectively wild-harvests this plant. Taking only a small number of plants from each acre and leaving root systems intact allows this precious resource to remain wild and plentiful forever. The leaves are trimmed, and the heart of the plant is secured for transport to Desert Door Distillery in Driftwood. To similarly prepare sotols for eating or fermenting, โ€œnative Americans dug up the shrubs and removed the slender leaves, using the heart and meat at the base.โ€


211 Darden Hill Rd, Driftwood, TX 78619

Contact Themย 
Email:[email protected]

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A little stop off at the desertdoor 
#desertdoordistillery #nightphotography #hillcountry todddeatheragemusic
desertdoor Texas Sotol for the weekend win! The wild-harvested sotol plant is a West Texas succulent that is reminiscent of agave, but a smoother party in the glass. 

#desertdoorsotol #pollinator #original #sustainable #wildharvested #whitespartystore