Refund and Cancellation Policy

  1. No Refunds: There are no refunds available for cancellations, early departures, and/or late arrivals. There are no refunds for unused days.
  2. Reservation Credit: If you provide a minimum of 72 hours’ notice before your reservation, you will be offered a reservation credit. This means you won’t receive your money back, but you can use the credit for a future reservation.
  3. Rescheduling: If you provide 72 hours’ notice or more, you can reschedule your reservation. However, there is a $25.00 rescheduling fee associated with this service.

In summary, the policy does not allow for refunds. Instead, it offers the option of a reservation credit or rescheduling with a fee if you provide sufficient notice. It’s essential for guests to be aware of these terms before making a reservation.